jellyfin means you can skip plex, its the same thing. let me see if i can anger some fellow olds. jellyfin is the opensource community giving plex the middle finger it deserves. plex having forked from xbmc an eon ago to be the mac version of xbmc, but then it became a company. i paid for a lifetime plex membership like 10 yrs ago, so i’ve just been lazy about switching.
We have to do both things. we have to get everyone we possibly can paying attention and work on peaceful ways to move ideas forward. i’m gonna keep saying make unions the base of* the dems. and point to minnesota who still has the democratic farmer labor party and pulles off some neat* shit.
there simply are not enough people available to do it quickly. it always ends with the people we claim to want to help being hurt. and we end up piled on top of them by some authoritarian we made a deal with.
now if you want to discuss disruptive actions that could need to be taken over the next few years. especially while throwing out the word arming. i’d like to kindly remind you we are in an armed police state on a Public. Fucking. Server. and point out that molitivcocktail hour does not announce itself and is never the option WE choose.