
  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2024


  • The stupidest problem I’ve seen arising from this debate was that with one employer they had a legally required retention policy, and instead of implementing it in their GitLab server software, they did it directly by coming in between GitLab and git. The result was that they had no idea which to use, so they protected both.

    On one repo, we mistakenly made both branches, and there was no way to get rid of either, so it kinda just stayed there. It confused the hell out of new people.

    I use master for my own stuff because of muscle memory, on the job IDC I use whatever, usually main these years.

  • Yeah, but there are probably more of Mandarin speakers than all the others combined.

    Native English speakers are definitely a minority globally. And I’m not even saying taking over, just that in some places it might be an additional one, and English won’t be the language, only a language.

    To the point that not knowing Mandarin at all might be a similar disadvantage in the world as not knowing English at all.