• AItoothbrush@lemmy.zip
    10 hours ago

    Lol try slavic languages and hungarian where the word order is extremely flexible. Ive always had a hard time translating between hungarian and english even tho im basically native in both of them. For example “A kutya kergeti a macskat”, “A macskat kergeti a kutya”, “Kergeti a macskat a kutya”, “Kergeti a kutya a macskat”, “A macskat a kutya kergeti” and “A kutya a macskat kergeti” are all valid and mean the same thing but the emphasis is on a different part of the sentence. Kinda insane from the perspective of english where “The dog is chasing the cat” and “The cat is being chased by the dog” are the only valid orders and even that is cheating as i would translate the second one a bit different into hungarian because once again the focus changes. Also there are a lot of things in common speach that i dont know how a translator would translate. In hungarian for example we have a ridiculous amount of curse words and combinations that are simply lost when translating. “A ménkű csapjon bele a jó dagadt gecis faszszopó román kurva anyádba” is something(or idk it was similar to this) i have actually heard from a real person in a real conversation. I wont translate it becauase its extremely vulgar but you get the point. The other thing is, returning to japanese for example, there are a few things that can be represented in one language but not in another one like honorifics for example. Last thing is when translating without context pronouns probably get completly lost. How would an ai looking only at the text know who the “you” was aimed at. Especially when translating to languages where even you has different forms depending on gender for example. All things thatll have to be solved i guess.