Sure, “we the people” control the government, so technically we can destroy it when we want. However, “we the people” also want a stable government that prevents the minority from ruining things for the majority.
So if you’re going to rebel, you need be very careful that you’re on right side, otherwise I think the rest are justified in calling you a terrorist.
I’m not a big fan of that but I did notice there’s a new 2025 model y. At this point if you buy a Tesla you have it coming. If I saw someone destroying that I would look the other way.
I don’t really get your point, but I think that’s a UN thing.
I actually like paper straws. More nucleation points make the drink taste fizzier. Unless it’s a smoothie….
Sorry m8te, I don’t know who you are so not sure when you’re being sarcastic! I rely on “/s” these days but I hear ya now load and clear. Hope you have a sick/awesome day!
Been thinking about this a lot. They can say it’s terrorism. History is written by the winners.
Rebellion is constitutional, but not legal. If you rebel, you die a terrorist or live a hero. Not much middle ground.
Sure, “we the people” control the government, so technically we can destroy it when we want. However, “we the people” also want a stable government that prevents the minority from ruining things for the majority.
So if you’re going to rebel, you need be very careful that you’re on right side, otherwise I think the rest are justified in calling you a terrorist.
How americans see themselves after cowardly vandalising some idiot’s car
How Republicans feel after murdering a woman by deciding the fetus is more important.
Too bad roasted CEO isn’t on the menu yet
that I would respect
What about the Germans and the French? Are they cowards too?
They know how to riot if they have too.
On face value sure but if they as a vehicle become uninsurable Thats all the better for the world. Those cars are deathtraps anyway.
Hahaha 😂 10/10 meme
I’m not a big fan of that but I did notice there’s a new 2025 model y. At this point if you buy a Tesla you have it coming. If I saw someone destroying that I would look the other way.
Then I’m using plastic straws again, it’s on you buddy!
I don’t really get your point, but I think that’s a UN thing. I actually like paper straws. More nucleation points make the drink taste fizzier. Unless it’s a smoothie….
obvious sarcasm is not obvious enough?
Sorry m8te, I don’t know who you are so not sure when you’re being sarcastic! I rely on “/s” these days but I hear ya now load and clear. Hope you have a sick/awesome day!
Same to you, good night
Intelligence is faster than you.
Welcome to reality