Yeah, I think massive chemical batteries for storing excess electricity to facilitate a contrived green energy market is a bad idea.

    2 months ago

    OP is… trying his best, I guess.

    I commend your faith in … ehm… the human spirit we’ll say.

    PS Gravity, except pumped water, is hilariously bad.

    Keenly aware. I got a good laugh out of it when I saw it mentioned.

    Practical Engineering is great. He does a fantastic job of explaining things simply and frequently provides models to demonstrate things.

    100% on the combination of things statement. Many different storage mediums have different advantages and disadvantages. The right tool for the right job. Flawed though it is I always loved reading about molten salt… It just seemed like such a metal way to store energy. 😂

    Realistically - I don’t mind people being incorrect or even just leaning into their particular beliefs or preferences… but OP emphatically stating incorrect information and then arguing as people corrected him was irritating.