this rootless Python script rips Windows Recall’s screenshots and SQLite database of OCRed text and allows you to search them.
this rootless Python script rips Windows Recall’s screenshots and SQLite database of OCRed text and allows you to search them.
In a hilarious and infuriating side note, MS is obviously doing their absolute best to blame-shift here.
It’s code. It’s a project someone made to graphically illustrate and demonstrate, in the wild, why the entire concept of MS Recall is an absolutely awful, foundationally-flawed idea. It is not a “hacker tool”. The MS c-suite and board members are just pissed that stock go down as a result of their stupidity, and they’re looking for people to blame who aren’t themselves.
Where is the blame shifting? The article says they made no comment and the only MS quotes are just random pr feature blurbs
Dude the headline:
It’s absolutely not a “hacker tool”. It’s a proof of concept. It’s just code. The author and/or editor is leaning on ingrained negative kneejerk reactions from less knowledgeable members of the general public towards the term “hacker”.
There is not a single word in that article that says anything about blame shifting. That title was written by