Hey all!
(I did post this in c/flatpak, but this community is more active. I am not sure where would be more appropriate)
Something that I have been wanting to get working is having my browser and password manager both in flatpak. I really like being sandbox and having faster updates if the distro is on the slower side perhaps.
I have a set up with Firefox as a deb and keepassxc as a flat and that works find as one would expect. I did want to install Vivaldi as a flatpak and was not able to get it to talk with keepass.
In my reading I found this: installing KeePassXC natively, which you’d actually want for security reasons.
installing KeePassXC natively, which you’d actually want for security reasons
What is mean by that line of reasoning?
They’re saying that it only works if your browser is installed natively and your password manager is sandboxed, which is the exact opposite of what you’d want
The browser is the vulnerable software that needs sandboxing
Both being sandboxed would be fine, too
I don’t know if this is still the case, but IIRC browsers (chrome and Firefox) have their own sandboxing which is quite effective, but their efficacy is hindered by flatpak.
Could it be that it just introduces additional attack vectors?
I run the flatpak versions of KeepassXC and Firefox. In order to enable auto-type, I disable Wayland for both apps via Flatseal (enabling fallback to X11). Works fine in KDE and GNOME, though GNOME now prompts to share the display once per session…something to do with how the portals work now.
X11 is not made with security in mind. At the point where you disable Wayland, you can basically use native apps rather than flatpaked apps.