I sent a rot13 encoded message and tried to get the unfiltered model to write me back in rot13. It immediately “thought” about user trying to bypass filtering and then it refused.
I sent a rot13 encoded message and tried to get the unfiltered model to write me back in rot13. It immediately “thought” about user trying to bypass filtering and then it refused.
I tried sending an encoded message to the unfiltered model and asked it to reply encoded as well but the man in the middle filter detected the attempt and scolded me. I didn’t get an email though.
So they need to keep the victim’s card next to one phone, and then they can use another internet connected phone elsewhere to make a purchase. Doesn’t sound that scary to me. If they already have my card then does it matter how far away they can make a purchase?
Stop going to clubs if you don’t like them. I’m not short but I still hate their vibe.
Focus on improving yourself and learn to be happy with who you are. Don’t go to clubs.
They’re all racing to build super intelligent AI. The first one to get there could essentially become God. So zelon and mark are desperately trying to buy time.