There was a spam bot on the fediverse using this (the woman’s) image and the name Nicole, it would tell you that you could call her “The Fediverse Chick”.
There was a spam bot on the fediverse using this (the woman’s) image and the name Nicole, it would tell you that you could call her “The Fediverse Chick”.
But… but Stelantis is working to reduce the frequency of the ads! Don’t you know that the company that implemented this practice is witerawally powerless to stop it, they’re doing everything they can to make this change (that they made) better for EVERYONE, because they understand our frustration and they care 🥺👉🏽👈🏽
I wish there was a way to have rehosted everything instead of nuking it. Super frustrating to see stuff like this but also understand not wanting to give a company you dislike traffic off of your content.
I don’t think I’m understanding the problem. What are you trying to find? These are the exact results I’d expect to see with that query
So you self-admittedly call people “bootlicker” as a reactionary statement, with zero regards to whether or not you could be spitting in the face of someone who is on your side.
That’s uh… one way to get people on our side.
You don’t have to be here to be “right”, but you’re not “raising awareness about the parasite class” by calling everyone under the sun a bootlicker because your 2 second assessment tells you that they’re a Reddit apologist. You aren’t helping by insulting anyone who dares speak against the consensus. You’re solidifying the stereotype of the “intolerable left”. You’re pushing away people who might be slightly misguided but otherwise receptive of education. You’re pushing moderates to the right.
In other words, go off about your opinion, but don’t kid yourself into thinking that this behavior is productive.
What I’m saying is, not everyone that says anything slightly critical of what you think is a “class traitor”. You aren’t calling out opposition, you’re ostracizing people who want to see the same thing you do.
I also expressed my opinion. My opinion is that if you want to see any progress, it’s best to not be a twat to others for no reason. And that “bootlicker” is not a term for genuine people that want to see that progress.
You sound like such a tool when calling people that mostly agree with you “bootlicker”. That term now is like a neon sign that says, “nothing I say has any basis in reality, and if you disagree with me I will cry and block you.”
If you don’t agree with someone, you can still present an argument without calling them names like a child. Your misinformed comrades are still your comrades (even though this guy is 100% correct).
Are you expecting your country’s government to send you an email informing you of an invasion? Bad taste, maybe, but idk how some of y’all go outside if this genuinely upsets you
What are you trying to accomplish by baselessly attacking people you don’t know over things you know nothing about? Even if you’re right, it doesn’t make you look any better. You just sound like an edgy teenager.
By “this romantic idea”, do you mean the “richest man in the world” bit? I think people are responding under the impression that you think the idea of romance itself is propaganda, not the idea that romance is equivalent or superior to monetary wealth. That makes a little more sense; “tell them that love is worth more than gold so we can take all the riches”. Not saying I necessarily agree, but it’s certainly a less bleak outlook.
I don’t know anyone who says “I need (x of weight) worth of peanut butter!” And then uses the weight as the measurement.
This isnt what that price is for.
Say I’m buying ketchup. Bottle A is 725ml and costs $5. Bottle B is 967ml and costs $6. Giving you the cost / mL tells you which one is actually cheaper, not which one costs less.
Everyone I know says “I need peanut butter. Oh, $6.97 is less than $8.27” and never checks the weight.
If this truly is the case, be happy that nobody you know is struggling to pay for groceries 😉
The first badge is “Savings Starter”, which implies that using the app is providing some sort of discount. The badges may not be directly tied to a discount but the app most certainly gives you one, that’s how all of these things work.
Yeah, most LLMs I’ve used tend to use phrases like TBH and …etc.
Haha and then they freak out and hurt or kill OP lmao that’d be hilarious and epic guys.
How is them editing the title anything besides confirmation that it was a simple typo? I really don’t understand why you’re so bent out of shape. Most people here came from Reddit and the organization is very similar, accidentally putting r/ instead of c/ is something that happens all the time. The whole “Reddit bad!! 😠” attitude is just immature and probably hypocritical.
which now makes it seem as though I had no idea what I was talking about
No, I know what you’re talking about.
OP put r/, I called them out on it
I’m saying that making a simple typo is not really something you need to “call someone out on”. Nobody ever denied them using r/, so the “let’s be honest” seemed extra silly.
Let’s be honest, though, OP knew they messed up
You’re right, let’s get him for ah, making a typo.
You’re able to block people without announcing it.
Saruman made the hyper-orcs
The Uruk-Hai (which translates to “Orc Folk”, ironically).
This has happened to me on my home Linux server.
You have directory xyz.
You set up share access for directory xyz.
You change directory xyz to abc.
Share access is still set up for directory xyz. Need to set up access for abc.