Yeah, most LLMs I’ve used tend to use phrases like TBH and …etc.
Yeah, most LLMs I’ve used tend to use phrases like TBH and …etc.
Haha and then they freak out and hurt or kill OP lmao that’d be hilarious and epic guys.
How is them editing the title anything besides confirmation that it was a simple typo? I really don’t understand why you’re so bent out of shape. Most people here came from Reddit and the organization is very similar, accidentally putting r/ instead of c/ is something that happens all the time. The whole “Reddit bad!! 😠” attitude is just immature and probably hypocritical.
which now makes it seem as though I had no idea what I was talking about
No, I know what you’re talking about.
OP put r/, I called them out on it
I’m saying that making a simple typo is not really something you need to “call someone out on”. Nobody ever denied them using r/, so the “let’s be honest” seemed extra silly.
Let’s be honest, though, OP knew they messed up
You’re right, let’s get him for ah, making a typo.
You’re able to block people without announcing it.
Saruman made the hyper-orcs
The Uruk-Hai (which translates to “Orc Folk”, ironically).
Yeah I don’t even get what is supposed to be the taboo thing that is sending the person to hell on this one. It’s literally just a benign pun
The first badge is “Savings Starter”, which implies that using the app is providing some sort of discount. The badges may not be directly tied to a discount but the app most certainly gives you one, that’s how all of these things work.