Amazing - Thanks for that!
Amazing - Thanks for that!
I just switched from GNOME to Plasma in the past week, after a long time on gnome, and Plasma 6 is great. The only thing I miss so far is viewing all my windows on the desktop when I push the meta key - alt-tab seems clunky in comparison.
Any suggestions there?
We’ve done this with Home Assistant (on a raspberry pi), and Zwave / ZigBee. Its been working great for years. Also allows for really customizable alerts for different things - and has been super stable.
Not very difficult to setup either - the interface is pretty polished these days!
Plasma is great for the flexibility (shortcuts), and so easy these days.
I was searching for task switcher, expose, etc. And just completely gapped on searching ‘overview’. (Web searches didn’t show it either, possibly because it’s too simple, so nobody posts about it.)
Next up I might have to play some window tiling (e.g. like i3, sway & hyprland).