They’ve used the exact same reasoning to excuse running down actual pedestrians on crosswalks.
They’ve used the exact same reasoning to excuse running down actual pedestrians on crosswalks.
Almost as bad as once every 3 days!
Sorry, that’s not what I see.
Both are measurements of cross-sectional AREA and are defined in terms of square millimeters (mm^2), not mm.
God what a naive and toxic attitude. This peak toxic troll thinking that has absolutely no place in any useful discourse. With all sincerity, you should really seek help. I really do pity you. This isn’t flattery. I’m not angry. I’m not celebrating you. I don’t care to hurt you. You’re just a sad fool and I hope you find a way to be better.
YYYY-MM-DD is the only non-mental way to write either.
I was only answering your question about why programming a way to parse those common date formats is problematic.
The date is 12/11/2024. Am I talking about yesterday or a day about a month ago?
That’s the joke.
I’m not the one being combative here. You’re attitude is pretty condescending and alienating. Are you okay?
You totally missed the part where OP said she was looking into Python because she ALREADY WORKS IN GIS.
She already works in GIS and is looking to supplement that work with python. Python is used for more than geojson and web development in ArcGIS Pro. I’ve use it for constructing labels, simple field calculations, symbology, data processing etc. and in general ESRI makes it pretty simple to implement compared to the other terms you’ve listed. All she really needs to get started using Python with ESRI products is an simple python course and googling for some ArcGIS examples, which are pretty abundant. I remember taking one ages ago that ran the code in the browser, but I can’t remember it now.
It’s a damn shame that we haven’t built a microwave that actually listens to the pops and stops when the pops slow, just like every bag of popcorn instructs you to do. We’ve got gun shot detectors; you’d think we could build a chip to analyze popping popcorn.
TV static in recent movies and shows that are set in the past almost always instantly pull me out of the narrative because no one seems to be able to get it right and some are just stunningly bad. It’s usually very subtle, so much so that I’m not sure I could even describe what’s wrong. Makes me feel old to notice it.
Like quibbling over the difference between rape and sexual assault.
Let this be a lesson to you then. Checking the logs should be your first troubleshooting step, not installing a variety of distros until one “just works”. Good luck.
Shit, my bus stop was at least a half mile away without so much as a sidewalk anywhere, just a dirt road and a canal. You didn’t even get a bus stop if you were less than 2 miles from school. We regularly rode our bikes like 12 miles away from home to the movie theater, I think we were pre-teens. Technically I could have ridden my bike to grade 6 (it was on the way to the movie theater), but who wants to show up to 6th grade everyday drenched in sweat or rain (it would always have been one or the other).
I’ll phrase it like a shower thought:
“Avoiding politics is about as useless as avoiding economics, math, science, or the arts; they permeate everything we do. We even use them to define what it means to be human. We might as well avoid breathing.”
I think avoiding partisanship and incivility might be more productive, but it has the problem of being more vague and requiring judgement, thus requiring more effort to enforce fairly and consistently. I don’t think there is an answer that will satisfy everyone. Avoiding politics may be a good rule for this community, even if it’s pointless.
The “E” (and similarly the “IE”) at the end is a very different pronunciation indicator than an “E” in the middle of the word.
There’s no need for the weird hate in your spoiler tag just because you don’t understand something.
That dog’s smile definitely says, “I’m anxious. Can we leave?”.