I can justify a one time purchase, but never recurring payments.
In a closed time, Unmistakably wandering, Still I walk on, Forever and ever, Not to disappear
I can justify a one time purchase, but never recurring payments.
Subscriptions are a non-starter for me
Weird, when Japan does it everyone praises them. I guess us western societies are just too trashy to clean up after ourselves.
😂 I’ve gotten two of these so far, and I’ve only been here a week.
Apparently you can get Narcan from weed shops too. My father told me he scored some for free when he went a few days ago. I don’t know why he got it, because he doesn’t use opioids, but I guess it’s good to have on hand in case someone else needs it.
I like the cut of your jib!
And I’ve been boycotting Goya ever since.
😂 what a waste. I doubt this even moves the needle on public perception. Rednecks aren’t buying these things only well off urban Republicans. I can’t think many leftists give a shit about these things. They may be fast, but they have no class.
Of course they are, they’re cultists. The Elon boot licker and MAGA Venn diagram is a circle.