Its jesus cat
Its jesus cat
Jfc is everything 80s coming back? Waiting for the pink fluorescent leggings with the warmers to come back. And shoulder pads the size of fucking trucks
Ants can probably tell you this is not a good idea
Then pay back the money… victims my ass!
There still out for delivery :)
“Oohh you fucking elon…”
That name should be some sort of verb or something, “lets not Musk this up” or “are you really that Musk?” I dunno something like that
And now im holding my balls for emotional support pain… damn
Reminds me of the movie Sneakers, where they steal a master key that deciphers everything… sure…
Six months later, with a new unit and new firmware, I’m feeling a bit better! Not good enough to give it my full recommendation, but enough to raise its score to 6 out of 10, which we define as: “Good. There are issues but also redeeming qualities.” But while the laptop’s more stable, most of my other annoyances are still kicking.
Ahh shit they noticed now lets roll back nice and slow see how far we can take it
Name address and so on i, well, understand if you buy something online to fill that in. But sns and id??? Thats all kinds of stupid. Why would you give thata willingly to fb? Its not a government entity or even a bank.
“Their data” HA.
God i hope not. I made some very bad choices back then.