Weird, I just had a bunch of mls tell me just the other day that a comment I made was strawmanning a hypothetical tankie telling me I’m wrong.
And here we see yet another ml strawmanning.
Super Weird.
All I see is a bunch of people saying this is dystopia nightmare shit, and so far the only person I’ve seen do anything other than call it what it is is the ml comparing this to China.
Surveillance states are bad anywhere, you won’t get many people arguing that city wide government facial recognition is a good thing.
At least you all can get your family to use it.
I can’t even get my spouse to use it unless she thinks what we are talking about might be illegal where we are (it usually isn’t)
I’ve tried convincing family to use it, but all that happens is I just never hear from them until I see them in person or they call me.
They don’t even feel the need to back up their Amazon Kindle collection before they get cutoff from it… Thousands of dollars wasted if they ever lose access to the account.