As is tradition
As is tradition
Or you know, not gatekeeping but actually taking a position as a political party (instead of trying to be some grey nothing). Oh and having more then two parties would be nice.
Yes, thank you for putting it in plain language. People are not in a good place all over the world and telling people the economy (markets and stats people no longer have faith in) is great has the opposite effect then what the Dems intended.
This mess stems from a combo of a two party system (you know that thing the US founders warned you about) and a fundamental failure (real or perceived) of society’s ability to reward people fairly. Now you don’t have a middle class to pander to, you just have levels of poor and a few ultra wealthy (both demographics that tend to vote more right then left).
The real telling stat here is women voters. At what point would a woman vote contrary to her own body autonomy, safety and general rights? Like anyone else, when she is poor, hungry and angry.
The poison of the “big tent”. Move a little over to let people in enough and you are no longer representing anyone in a desperate attempt to represent everyone.
Both of our nations really need to have some electoral reform.
Best we can do it seems is an “I voted” sticker.
(It was likely already dead in the US, but yeah this might be your “sign”)
Not sure what to tell you, I am in another nation but a similar situation. The state of things is now to the point media is untrusted, nationalism is both here and missing, while people are angry but happy to blame the “other guys”.
Well and so far the popular vote is more red then blue. I think the USA will get the government the voters deserve.
Here’s hoping the rest of the world can not get pulled down.
Look I know there called “farms” but like I told the last forest gnome, the dank woods is no place to host data.
Too wet for server racks in the forest.
Or not having any but fix your own shit. I like the idea of smaller houses and yards but not if that comes with shared maintenance fees.
The costs for some of these things is silly and since most people don’t volunteer to be on those boards they don’t even get to see how their fees are spent.
Condo/HOA/Strata fees are a big way people are kept out of owning their own place. Its crazy that almost every place even remotely affordable is part of one.
Yeah, we are boned all over the nation.
For fun here are some places you can buy for $1 million
And in the past I would ask “Toronto or Vancouver?” But I know that that could be in any city these days.
I 'member.
Twas Dickity 14 or so, and I plan to make good on Microsofts words.
Might want to wait even on that idea until we know they don’t destroy themselves. (kinda have to do that with all intel now, sad)
We should (the west as this is not just on the states) have armed and trained the women and not the failsons.
There is already, in the r34 link above… Ruleception
Oh, yeah!
That’s going to be a whole thing soon. Yay.