I’d probably go for a small N100 mini-PC.
Should be plenty powerful for what you need, very low wattage and relatively trivial to get GPU pass through in Proxmox. Alternatively one of the more powerful versions.
This depends on how many cameras, resolution and frequency of course, but you should be able to see if others with similar setups have it running smoothly. You’d be limited on storage, but can set up NFS to your NAS or existing server.
Yeah this mirrors my approach to it.
People can like Trump/Musk or dream of Marxism in practice. I am so far from both ideologies that I find it difficult to relate to either, and end up being called a traitor by the left and a triggered lib/loser by the right. Lemmy is in my experience quite left.
The political differences have become so extreme that I just avoid any debate at all and stick to the technical stuff and hobbies. My sanity is more important to me than trying to convince someone over the pond that they are wrong.
Honestly, I just try to live my life as the best person I can be. I’ve gotten to old to try to change anyone else. And I have had some great encounters here, so I am not going back to Reddit anytime soon.
Stay awesome, people!