Excellent, thanks for the link!
Excellent, thanks for the link!
I like your thoughts on runtime and recharge time.
That four hour limit really outs things into perspective for someone just starting out. Most people don’t understand the constraints at first.
I believe mailbox.org is all renewable, and I’m pretty sure it’s solar.
But you need a massive battery bank to run stuff, batteries have a limited lifespan (especially the crap used in a UPS).
It’s not cheap, you generally want to overbuild everything, and there are ongoing costs (hardware failures, batteries, etc).
But it can be done. Just have to do the math for your max power draw, then how much uptime you need determines the size of your battery bank and number of panels (which is influenced by how much sun you get/how consistent it is). You need enough panels to run your system and charge batteries, given the limitations of sun availability.
Wow, install Tailscale or Wireguard and you’ve got a killer remote support solution.
Weird people would downvote this. I usually don’t care (still don’t, lol) but someone downvoted the idea of installing a mesh VPN on this KVM, yet it’s already been done.
User retraining (imagine retraining 10,000 employees, and then the lost productivity you’d still have). Oh, and this assumes which shell, which distro?
Excel, with tables.
The thousands (millions?) of automated processes that export/import from Excel, and have done so for years.
CNC systems that will only run on older versions of Windows, and for which the company no longer exists and there’s no reolacement. I once worked with CNC machines with controllers that ran on paper tape. They’re probably still running today.
Ooh, here’s one - battery management on a laptop, that’s only adjustible from a command prompt in Linux.
Those are rookie numbers!
Immodium/Limodil is your friend.
My grandmother said the same when I showed her a Motorola Droid in 2009. She said “that’s a pocket computer”.
Plus the final mile from the rail to destination.
Drives me crazy that accounting software is SAAS. The last thing I want is my business accounting on someone else’s systems, regardless of how encrypted, backed up, etc.
Just look at the recent large company whose entire business data set was deleted by Google. If it were a small mom n pop, they’d be out of business before Google even responded.
I swear I see a business opportunity as an IT consulting service that implements nothing but local solutions.
Not just Europe, everywhere. Look at all the breaches, every day.
Until those breaches cost companies serious money, they won’t do anything about it.
I also don’t agree that we don’t know what it [consciousness] is.
… most can’t agree on how to define it.
Which is it?
It’s as if any play is for a given audience, and we have to bridge the gap with our own imagination. Crazy, right? 😆
Mind, I’m not criticizing your point, I agree with it, Hollywood has never been great with accents, it just has to be “good enough”, like watching a stage play and the props have to be “good enough”.
He stole it from Highlander!
I’m not sure I follow? His character is Egyptian, he was immortal. Though I take OP’s point, he couldn’t really be Scottish since he had been alive long before Scotland existed, possibly before the Picts even.
1999 - DSL After that, cable was pretty much everywhere I lived.
Breaches need to hurt them a LOT more before they’ll take action.
Which is why adding Tailscale to this KVM is a killer solution