A Colombian man has been caught trying to smuggle £8,000 worth of cocaine under a wig.
The drugs were discovered by police after the 40-year-old attempted to board a plane to Amsterdam, Netherlands, at Rafael Nunez International Airport.
Footage released by police showed the wig being cut off the man’s head to reveal 19 capsules of the substance, which weighed 220g.
The man was arrested on suspicion of trafficking, manufacturing and carrying narcotic substances, the Colombian national police said.
The force said the bust had affected criminal finances and “prevented the sale of more than 400 doses of cocaine, valued at more than €10,000 (£8,296) in international markets”.
Drugs? Busted. Wig? Snatched.
I don’t do that shit but if it’s £37.70 a gram I think you’re being ripped off. Or is that just what the folks working at sky news pay?
London prices.
That amount of money will barely get you an hours parking in London. It’s cheaper to snort up and march to the pub its seems.
Hats off to him for trying, I guess.
Is this viral marketing for Andor’s new haircut?
I just find it insane that cocaine is so damn expensive–that’s £36.36 per gramme, going by this article. About £1/25mg dose, and the average dose will cost double that. For comparison (I use a vaporiser), my 0.25g bowl will get me high multiple times for about the same price, for several times longer.
Cocaine actually costs more than that.
You get a measly 15ish minute caffeine rush. And, most likely, an addiction. I’d try it (only for the sake of saying I’ve done it, for definitive proof that it’s pointless)… my expectations are pretty damn low.
Profitable, for sure–similar to how tobacco is. But damn, I do not get it. Between the risk of arrest for dealing a drug that isn’t all that valuable, and actually using it, I genuinely do not get it. Like, at least make the bricks garden gnome shaped. Out of MDMA. That’d be a way better surprise for the Dutch authorities.
You get a measly 15ish minute caffeine rush.
Don’t forget the added bonus - it turns everyone into insufferable bores.
Depends on the person, but yes excessive narcissistic yapping tends to happen.
I do know a cocaine addict–or former. They’re far from insufferable, but I was worrying about it.
Cocaine lasts a little longer like 40 minutes or so and is definitely more fun than caffeine.
The short duration can be an advantage as well, if you snort a line at after work party on a weekday.
Regarding the price, compare it to the cost of a beer at a pub, a night club‘s door fee, and a taxi. A gram lasts two people for a night out easily.
It’s expensive, but definitely affordable for most people, if they’re not daily users.
The high cost also makes it a luxury item and status symbol compared to the mich cheaper amphetamine for example.
As for weed costs. Depending on tolerance people smoke more than a gram per day easily if they’re serious stoners.
I’d try it (only for the sake of saying I’ve done it, for definitive proof that it’s pointless)…
don’t. It’s addictive af
I will never do coke, I’ve watched far too many people go from nice peeps to total unmitigated thundercunts after a single snort.
The tagline for coke should be instant cunt, just add human.
why would anyone want to do anything that turns them into the sort of person they hate?
It’s literally $80 a gram in my part of the USA, and that’s for good stuff. I know this for um, reasons. If you pay any less than that, it’s gonna be garbage cocaine.
Cocaine actually costs more than that.
In the UK? Because those prices sound insane for mainland Europe. Should be closer to around €10 per gram …