On Chrome
uBlock Origin Has Been Disabled on Chrome
There is Ungoogled Chromium which I doubt will make this change. I firefox but it’s nice to have an alternative.
ManifestV3 is 100% driven by Google enshittification. Down with Chrome. Long live Firefox.
Yet another reason to use a non-Chrome browser. I choose Firefox.
I choose to pay for Firefox. I know it’s unpopular because people don’t think Mozilla is run well. But if an opensource product is part of my daily life, then I want to pay for it.
Is it a choice when it’s the only option?
There is GNOME Web, Safari, or any number of Firefox forks like Librewolf.
In the end it comes down to the browser engines. And there are not enough of them. Especially FOSS ones.
Ahh yes, removing functionality from an api used to block ads and other things is such a good update. Said no one ever
Alternatives and Solutions
- Continue Using uBlock Origin on Firefox
- Use uBlock Origin Lite
- Switch to Browsers Committed to MV2 Support
- Explore Other Content Blocking Methods
+1 for keep using uBlock on Firefox
From Chrome is the rest of your clickbait headline. Just like religion, sports, and many other things, Chrome is favored by the masses because they are so painfully dumb.
In before we start seeing “Your browser does not support the functions needed for this website to function” messages on Firefox.