My wife and I. We always talk non-stop about everything non-stop.
I have a habit of saying really wrong things. Maybe it’s ignorance or maybe it’s because I read something stupid off the internet. And she just accepts it in the moment and gently corrects me later.
Jealous. Appreciate that shit sir.
My wife is a doctor and she does the same.
I keep saying shit as facts and she quietly laughs and then corrects me later.
I am a software engineer and it feels like being treated like a normie who thinks he knows stuff even though he understands nothing.
It’s hard to know when you have one. I’ve definitely thought I’ve had friends like this, only to realize I was just trampling over boundaries. Make sure you check in with your friend first that they are in a state to listen and don’t need that time and attention for themselves.
Ot friends that just complain when you’re not around. That sucks too
My friend I could do this with passed away 2 years ago. 😞 Indeed, if you find someone you have this sort of relationship with hold on to them.
Sorry to hear that recent loss, Aggra
Thank you, that’s very kind of you.
Om shanti
When your friends vibe with your ADHD brain
Having a best friend is a wonderful thing.
I’m like this with most people I know. I’d even be happy if a stranger did it.
Something bothering you and you need someone to listen? Let it out with me.
Had something exciting happen in your life, however big or small and you want to share it with someone? Go right ahead.
It’s the kind of thing that gives you purpose and if it improves someone’s day, all the better.
Same with me and my soon-to-be wife as well. We’ve also perfected our capability of talking about nothing!
Sorry to disappoint, but you are being judged and are judging in return. It’s just that the results are positive on both sides. Keep up the good work! 👍