Also remember, things are newsworthy because they’re novel. US sees like 2 gun deaths per day and thousands due to insurance company malpractice, but this one death dominates newscycles.

    3 months ago

    That’ll be the worst thing they could do. If this gunman couldn’t get to the CEO, do you honestly think that would be the end of it? Nope, CEOs cant protect everyone they care about. Not endorsing this but a CEO killed this man’s loved one. In response he killed the CEO but revenge has a way of consuming a individual until they feel satiated.

    • but revenge has a way of consuming a individual until they feel satiated.

      So does destroying millions of lives for profit, yet that’s not only legal, but enabled and encouraged.

      Revenge isn’t the problem here, and trying to make it that, is shifting responsability from those it belongs to, for them.