New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe::More than 38 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in Ontario as of Oct. 8, with 23,002 reports of adverse reactions, an incidence of 0.06 per cent, Public Health Ontario says
Those are the official numbers, but I’ve heard time and time again from people with vaccine damages, that they have to basically force their doctors to even report their symptoms, so I have my doubts how accurate it is.
some very trustworthy people are telling me you actually ate 32 live cats.
I need to preface this by saying that I am in no way anti-vaccine, and this has nothing to do with politics.
I got my last booster about 3 weeks ago, and I have been messed up ever since. Apparently there is something called Long Vax Syndrome that is currently being studied. Fortunately I don’t have some of the worst symptoms, but the fatigue is so real. Normally when I would get a covid booster I would be exhausted for about 24 hours, but this is unrelenting. I’ve never been this tired in my life, and it’s honestly a struggle. I am really hoping something comes of the research and they figure something out because I don’t know how long I can sustain this.
Same here. Also not ant-vax in general, very much pro-vax for the big three and whatnot. I got 2 vax and a booster willingly, but got sick as a dog all 3 times and missed work each time. The fatigue was crippling. I also got covid twice anyway so thats a bummer, but it wasnt any worse than the post-vax sickness. Maybe the vax reduced the severity of covid, but either way I think Ill pass on getting any more boosters for tbe time being. Ive had plenty of flu vaxes and never had an issue with them.
I have no idea why you’re getting downvotes on this. You’re relating your personal experience, and it’s clearly not an anti-vax type answer. Here’s an upvote to help offset that.