Pic related.
I mean do you know for a fact he isn’t depressed? Comedians tend to do a pretty good job covering it up.
Like Robin Williams!
Didn’t he have Lewy Body Dementia? As I understand, depression is a symptom, but the disease is far deeper than that.
He was pretty open about struggling with depression for most of his life.
Shit. I didn’t know that. I always thought the dementia lent to the depression.
Man. What a tragic end. I think I’m going to do a deep dive on his life soon. I have such admiration for him.
I think the dementia diagnosis lead to his suicide but I think his life-long struggles with depression made him relatable enough to be a comedian that could become successful and not lose that relatability, unlike some one like Jerry Seinfeld.
Oh I absolutely agree! Mental health colors art. In all forms. From comedy, to fashion, to traditional art, to music… seeing the world through the lens of depression is relatable to almost everyone at some point in their life.
It’s the internet, you’re not supposed to agree.
You’re supposed to call me a dumbass and explain in detail why.
Pretty sure we are all depressed… :)
No we’re not
Give it time. :)
I’m pretty open with my struggles with depression and how I managed to actually overcome them with persistence and treatment. So, no, we’re not.
Won’t be lettin strangers on the internet erase all my hard work.
I hope you understand it was a joke, and if not, it’s probably good to try and recognize humor to fight real depression. :)
You don’t know he’s not depressed. Remember Robin.
I thought the depression rumor was debunked? Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Robin get a dementia diagnosis, and thus chose to go out on his own terms, rather than slowly rot away?
Half right - he did battle depression his entire life, and he was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson’s not too long before committing suicide. There’s really no way to prove which one influenced his decision more, but it was likely because of both.
Looked up LBD to see what it’s about and…damn… https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/lewy-body-dementia/symptoms-causes/syc-20352025
Depression. People with Lewy body dementia might develop depression.
So he already had depression, and then got a disease that causes depression.
If not dementia, it was a similarly debilitating condition. Wanted to dip on his own terms before he became a husk of himself.
RIP Rob, you were the GOAT.
It was Lewy Body Dementia. He had periods of lucidity and in one of those decided that he no longer wanted to live as a prisoner in his own body, and a burden to his family because for all intents and purposes his life as a functioning human was over.
Honestly his entire circumstance is a shining example of why we need a death with dignity law.
It was Lewy Body Dementia, I remember because my grandma had it. It’s non-hereditary thankfully, but just as debilitating as Alzheimer’s.
He throws his friends under the bus
Is the d back together again? If not, I don’t want to hear it!
I mean if i was kyle gass id tell jack black to go fuck himself. He made a big fit over a simple joke when his whole shtick(before being a literal clown for Disney™) was being an ‘edgy’ comedian who writes songs that are supposed to be offensive.
Lots of times when me and KG are watching
All the fucking shit that goes down at City Hall
We get the feeling we should fuck shit up
Yeah, we should fucking start a riot
A riot!
And the song continues to tell about the destruction of the government, with the implication that previous leaders are dead. It’s obviously a joke song, and when KG made the joke on stage it should have been taken just the same, but Hollywood Jack stepped in and thought about all of the movie deals he was gonna miss out on… like fucking Minecraft… Yeah. I love Jack, and I wish him the best, but I am on KG’s side, and if they haven’t fixed this shit on a personal level, and Kage comes out with some shit about Jack sucking, I’m gonna wave goodbye to the D.
What joke did KG make?
He said something, as he was making a birthday wish on stage, to the effect of “I hope the next shooter doesn’t miss”. For context it was like 2 days after the first Trump attempted shooting
Thanks, I was quite out of the loop!
Seriously, everyone knows if you say your wish aloud it won’t come true.
More of a clown every single day tbh
Hes really lost a lot of my respect.
TBF, in the free world it’s illegal to joke about the death of dictators, politicians, and extremely dangerous criminals unless you are a politician &/or conservative. Everybody knows that.
Reese Witherspoon, she’s the prom queen
Bill Gates, captain of the chess team
Jack Black, the clown
and Brad Pitt, the quarterback
Seen it all before
(I want my money back)Life is a Lemon!
Reality is a sandwich I did not order!
Also says Parmesan wrong
I wanna juice 'em
All night long
Supportive upbringing is a helluva drug
Millions of dollars also doesn’t hurt.
Successful career doesn’t hurt.
I used to think the same about Robin Williams until he killed himself. 😥
Depression is fucked and some people are really good at hiding behind humor.
Robin Williams killed himself due to early onset dementia from brain disease: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robin_Williams#Death.
from what i remember he stopped his band because his friend made a trump joke. safe to say he has no feelings at all.
Sounds like he’s got strong feelings about demographics.
About his bank account.
Yeah, safe to say you don’t know why the joke was an issue. It wasn’t a “Trump joke”, it was an “endorsing assasaination” joke.
Yeah, it’s a joke, yeah it was funny to me personally (I might have made the same joke), but you cannot say certain jokes publicly as a public figure.
He made a joke saying he wished the assassination attempt on Trump was successful. I think you’re down playing that by just calling it a joke. I think it’s fine to hate Trump, but as public figure it’s probably not a great idea to encourage assassination attempts on an ex president.
Get off your high horse. The former president is out there talking about sending the military for anyone who doesn’t agree with their platform.
Assassination attempts against a fascist are fine to joke about. Jack Black has no spine.
If Jack Black was doing anything but a world tour with a fucking comedy rock band it’d be different, but he’ll always be a poser now.
Bro couldn’t even do parody rock right he was clutching pearls so hard.
Too bad the ex president making comments about assassination on various groups he’s against is pretty much ignored these days. But don’t you dare make such a joke about his life not being as valued.
It wasn’t him that made the joke, it was his bandmate Kyle Gass.
Yes, my comment was about Kyle Gass.
I don’t even care that much about the band stuff. I liked his movies when he was little, and when he started a gaming channel I realized I now find him very annoying. He comes across as full of himself and desperate for attention.
I mean… He’s an entertainer. I think most entertainers are attention seekers. That’s why they got into it in the first place; for the attention.
Then again, he could have just grown up that way because he was a child actor.
He has a gaming channel?
I must be out of the loop did something happen w/ Jack Black?
Apparently when KG was blowing out his birthday candles on stage they asked him to make a wish, and he said “Don’t miss Trump next time”. JB is working on his clean image and stepped away, I don’t think they have any beef tbh, but the D is on hold atm. source
I mean that’s fair, you’re not really supposed to joke about killing former presidents, even if it’s in reference to the biggest piece of shit of the 21st century
the D is on hold atm
Okay good but what about their band?
Yeah same. Before I opened this comment section I’ve never even heard of a person that dislikes JB.
Thanks. I’m with KG here and think JB is just overreacting and trying to prevent any damage to his name.
The timing was a big factor too, it was like only a day or so after the attempt and while everyone was trying to calm down the situation and condemn the assassination attempt so as not to incite any other people for doing the same or reaction to the attempt, and then he goes and says that, it was very against the grain of the moment.
Bit of a [tragedy+time=comedy] but the time hadnt passed yet so the edge was too sharpCalling for death, even as a joke, is deplorable. And in Trumps case, dangerous. It’s one thing to make this joke with a couple of friends, it’s entirely another when the entire country sees it - both the crazies that would do it, or the crazies that would shoot them for it.
what about putin? is that different bcus he is foreign? osama bin laden? sounds like you just dont understand the real world king.
Still deplorable. There are more humane ways than a death penalty (which btw most of the civilised world tries to abolish)
He is also a spineless worm
How so? I don’t know anything about him personally
People are mad because he denounced Gass when Gass made comments regarding Trump’s would be assassin missing, but security at concerts are trash and it’s reasonable the the both of them could be shot by a Trump supporter.
Ye, but then again the band split because of it. They’ll probably reform and make a dumb song about it in the future, but still.
Shot by a Trump supporter?!? At a concert in Australia?!? I think that’s a bit of a stretch, mate.
I think they meant in the future, not in that particular concert lol
…do you think they’ll never leave Australia? Don’t they both live in America?
That’s not their only tour stop or do you expect the two to apply for citizenship? Also, Trump in an international cult leader at this point. Someone could cobble together a zipgun anywhere and sneak it close.
Why did I read that in an Australian accent?
I must be going troppo!
Made comments? He blew out a candle and wished for them not to miss Trump with a bullet. Literally calling for the death of someone else. Wishing death on anyone is a pretty shit thing to do.
I wish Putin nothing but death and misery. I guess, I am a real shitty person.
I wish Trump and Putin could somehow be used to bash each other to death, simultaneously. So, I guess I’m as bad as you.
Was there any psychological benefit to Italians to see Mussolini hang, and spit on his corpse?
I’d say it helped reduce the impression that Italians supported who he was and what he represented.
Misery and death. If he gets death first, he’d miss out on the misery.
Still sad that hitler died on a workplace accident?
Nah dog, not when they want and created policy that causes people you love to die.
I wish for Trump what Trump wishes for his “enemies”.
Yes, that’s what happened. But we’re not talking about Gass, we’re talking about Jack Black and his reaction to that which was cancelling the tour.
Which in my opinoin was a perfectly reasonable response given the recent attempt on Trump’s life, as well as the threats that had already been made about specific Taylor Swift concerts.
I can’t even imagine the amount of death and rape threats that they and their families received after those comments. Imagine leaving for a world tour amidst that.
I guess fuck him for not wanting his fans to get shot up at a concert by some psychopath.
Because of cowards like you. I have to take my shoes off at the airport for zero reason other than to obey.
Wishing for the death of verifiably evil people is perfectly fine, healthy, and normal.
Why not having them locked up and prosecuted? All those rabid MAGAs calling for death and destruction are deranged, I think we agree. Who gets to decide when it’s appropriate to assassinate politicians in our democracy?
When they’re inches away from regaining the highest office in the country, pretty much anyone, because it clearly won’t be the people who’s job it is. Who talk endlessly about how he’s a very real threat to the very fabric of our country, then do fuck all to protect their citizens, allowing years to pass before his very public and overt crimes are even addressed.
No. Jack O’Neill shot Apophis in the face like 4 times. Luke Skywalker ended Darth Vader. Captain Janeway demolished the Borg. Biden and Garland allowed a domestic terrorist and real-life cartoon villain to campaign for president, and he may actually win. Fuck. That.
4 months later - how do you feel about your statement, my dude?
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Jack Black killed the metal
But really, Jack and Kyle said the D will return last I heard
I am Steve
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Jack had great parents from what I gather. I don’t think his demons are all that loud.