I still have an old Kindle and it still gets months of battery life. I occasionally read comics so this may get me to upgrade.
I still have an old Kindle and it still gets months of battery life. I occasionally read comics so this may get me to upgrade.
There too. Low contrast and less bright than b/w e-paper and still suck more power. AMOLED is better for the eyes, even though it glows.
Eink is just better for reading though
If you’re reading then colour doesn’t matter much. For comics I’d probably get a tablet.
Color is very useful for highlights, taking notes and reading comics, its fine if its not for you but its very interesting for me
Highlighting, taking notes, comics all seem different from just reading
Okay, eink is really really good at two things: reading and taking notes/drawing.
Comics are a form of reading (especially french comics i read, theyre 50% text).
You highlight parts of books.
And for taking notes, say in class, is much nicer when you have color avilable
Hard disagree, e-ink is fantastic for two thing, reading and battery life. Everything interactive, you’re better off with a tablet.
We both mentioned it separarely. And for a good reason imo, traditional books are a much better fit for e-readers because reflowing text just werks while comics are going to be a lot harder.
Note that the usual responsiveness problems dont apply when you use a pen to take notes, as the pen just directly pulls up the ink pellets in the screen.
Why do you say that amoled is bezter for the eyes? Is that also true for b/w e-ink?
No, i think e-ink has it’s place. But color e-ink is currently too much a tradeoff in everything else e-ink is strong, imo.
Oh, OK. I just assumed color e-ink was just like bw e-ink but with colors and was similar in other aspects
How so? Color eink has pretty much zero tradeoffs as far as i can tell, other than price.
Weak colors, so dark that you constantly need backlight…
Weak colors yes, but normal eink has no colors, and what do you mean by “so dark that you constantly need backlight…”?
Look for comparison videos between the color e-ink technologies.