I’ve got this command in a bash script:
TEST=$(curl -o /dev/null -s -k -w "%{http_code}" -u "${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD}" "${URL}/dashboard/")
echo "${TEST}" #debug
When the script runs, the output is “000”.
When I run the same curl command from the shell, the output is “200” (which is correct, since the URL is valid).
I verified that the USERNAME, PASSWORD, and URL vars are being passed to the subshell.
I’d appreciate it if you could point out what I’m doing wrong here. :)
UPDATE: This has been solved.
Thanks for the suggestion.
set -x
didn’t reveal any errors, and the commands that it’the script is executing are as I expect them to be.I did just discover, though, a possible cause for my issue: https://lemmy.thewooskeys.com/comment/520854