• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 10th, 2024

  • Still, this ruling is a blow to AI companies, according to Cornell University professor of digital and internet law James Grimmelmann: “If this decision is followed elsewhere, it’s really bad for the generative AI companies.” Grimmelmann believes that Bibas’ judgement suggests that much of the case law that generative AI companies are citing to argue fair use is “irrelevant.”

    Chris Mammen, a partner at Womble Bond Dickinson who focuses on intellectual property law, concurs that this will complicate AI companies’ fair use arguments, although it could vary from plaintiff to plaintiff. “It puts a finger on the scale towards holding that fair use doesn’t apply,” he says.

    This is another Delaware court judgment Big Tech won’t like, but a lot of media companies will like. I wonder if we’ll see not a wholesale abandonment of Delaware like some articles suggest, but that companies who want to take from others will leave for jurisdictions more willing to let them do whatever they want while companies who have more to protect will stay?

  • Adding on, the context of the parable is important. The parable was given in response to a lawyer who asked what was needed to gain eternal life. Jesus flipped it back on him and asked what the law recorded by Moses said. The lawyer replied with, ‘you must love THE LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself.’ Jesus replied that was correct, do that and he’d live. But then the lawyer asked who his neighbor was.

    The parable was Jesus’s response to the lawyer’s question of who was his neighbor. At the end Jesus asked who the neighbor was in the parable but the lawyer couldn’t bring himself to say the Samaritan. He said the one that showed mercy, which was correct, and Jesus told him to go and do the same. But we could also say from the parable that your neighbor is the person who hates you, your neighbor is the person everyone around you says you should hate, your neighbor is the one with different beliefs from you, your neighbor is every other human. And you should be willing to help your neighbor, take care of your neighbor, give your own money to help your neighbor with no expectation of getting that money back. At the end of the parable the Samaritan gave the innkeeper money to cover the expenses of caring for the robbery victim and said he would pay for any excess when he returned, and with the victim having been robbed there was little chance he would be able to repay the Samaritan.

    I’ve long thought this passage is one of the most crucial of Jesus’s teaching, and the majority of people who claim to follow him (or at least the ones who are loudest about it) seem to miss the point entirely and fail to follow the lesson. One can’t embrace being selfish or greedy and be a Christian, it just doesn’t work.

  • The money you’re paying DoorDash isn’t going to the drivers, so I don’t know how driverless cars will reduce the costs. Having driven for DoorDash off and on over the past couple years, they typically only pay $2 per delivery, plus whatever tip the customer gives. I’ve read they additionally charge the restaurants around a 30% commission on all orders, which is why the prices are so much higher than in the restaurant; the restaurants raise the prices so that they still get roughly the same money after the commission is deducted.

    I’m not really sure where all that money goes with DoorDash. They clearly try to keep support costs as low as possible. I’m guessing they lose a lot to refunds, legitimate or not. But I still don’t understand how the prices can be so high yet they always seem tight on cash.

  • It traveled by water most of the way, down the Danube, through the Black Sea, Mediterranean, and Atlantic, to come back up the Rhein to its destination. I wonder why it didn’t just take the The Rhine–Main–Danube Canal? A quick look at the dimensions seems like it should fit. Maybe there’s a low bridge? But it’s a modern canal for commercial shipping (completed in 1992), so I’d be shocked if clearance for a bridge is less than 10 meters when the canal itself is typically 55 meters wide. The widest authorized boat is 11.45 meters, though, so maybe there was some other dimensional constraint.

  • I was just looking into this and going to post a similar question to the community. I saw a post recently about Friendica and thought that and Pixelfed might be things I’d be interested in self-hosting my own accounts, since I’d probably want those to be things I keep followers-only and connect only with people I know IRL. I’ve only used shared web hosting before and Friendica looked straightforward enough, but Pixelfed seemed much more involved. I’ve never done anything with a VPS before; I think I could do it but if anything went wrong I might be in trouble. Would that be an okay starting point or is that jumping in the deep end? I assume I’d be able to host both on the same VPS?