Oh how I wish there was video of this.
I imagine it like that church scene from Kingsman
Oh how I wish there was video of this.
I imagine it like that church scene from Kingsman
It could fall on your head and then you fall out window and land on the top of a hot air balloon and then bounce off that and hit a stack of geese who then honk so loudly that your clothes all blast off, especially your socks, causing you to further fall into a volcano and land on a recently-hardened piece of magma slag, while the noxious fumes cause you to pass gas, creating an explosion so big you get fired out of the volcano like a cannon and land on the moon, where you have nothing to eat but cheese so you develop a bad case of lactose intolerance and fart so bad that the man in the moon (who is a Newfie) picks you up and throws you back to earth, landing in a pool filled with poodles genetically engineered with piranha genes
I don’t want to “meet” a chatbot.
Wannabe Stasi fucks
I would like to be able to download and swap out keyboard bindings with community-produced variants
Yeah, that’d be pretty unprofessional.
I want to make a deepfake of myself so I can sit in on meetings etc without actually having to do that
I don’t get it. What would they redefine it to?
Main branch sounds like it’s pro-tree and therefore anti-mushroom! Get him, everyone!!!
And don’t forget your towel!
Keep on Zuckin’
Because something leaked onto him; and down his chin
He’s not as fast as cousin Sonic
They should make illegal infant genital mutilation too, I know it used to be a big common practice in the Middle East and the USA
Truly, if someone were to rescue this president, I think many would consider him to be a bad dude.
I was gonna say that
They’re someone who acted as a witness in the case of Jehovah v. Everyone, a class-action case filed when some dick allegedly caused a flood and destroyed the world.
I have to say allegedly as terms of the settlement
This is how this timeline normalized the swastiki again eh? Real leopards munched my butt situation.