
  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The guy I know who’s into it likes radios and radio waves, antennas, and whatnot. Builds his own stuff. The HAM community also has a tradition of sending these little “contact card” type things like called QSL cards, if you contact someone in Monrovia or something, they can mail you a paper card that certifies, yup, you talked to someone in Monrovia all the way from Kansas or wherever. Can even get one from the International Space Station if you make contact with it, which people do regularly on HAM.

    I have an SLR just because I think it’s neat. I have a computer based peripheral one and a portable handheld one with a screen on it.

    Can listen to shortwave, long wave, am, FM, and all sort of other bands, such as weather, marine, air traffic, trains, pretty much any unsecured walkie talkie and GMRS frequencies.

  • Same thing. Fits with the time and red motif, but I can’t seem to recall them locking everything up.

    It’s funny because I know exactly where the place was.

    The original building became several other stores when was eventually torn down and became a Best Buy.

    Right across the street, there was a Circuit City, which is also no longer there. Once that closed, it became another electronic store, which I’m pretty sure simply bought out the inventory and all the displays and fixtures from Circuit City and just kept it open under an independent name. Before that building was a Circuit City, it was yet another electronics store.

    So I’m talking about five total electronic stores, right across the street from one another.

    The original one, that later became a Best Buy. And across the street, the original one (which I think maybe was the Wiz), which became a Circuit City, and then became something else.

    The original place I was talking about that locked everything up, I seem to recall having a name, something to do with cheap prices or bargains or something, not necessarily the word, cheap or bargain, but something implying as much, kind of like how Best Buy implies low pricing.

    If anyone wants to dig in further, this was on the famed Berlin turnpike in Connecticut.

    Edit : While writing this, I did another search and came up with it possibly being “Service Merchandise,” which had a catalogue showroom approach to retail, and tons of glass-case counters, and had the red motif in the 1990s. Found a post on a vB forum saying this was in the location of the Best Buy, so I’m thinking this was it. I went there to buy a Nintendo Virtual Boy, which seemed so cool in advertisements, but was a pretty big migraine inducing let down (not unlike today’s stereoscopic gaming systems).

  • It is labeled for horses primarily. Approved for and customarily used on animals first. You know, humans don’t get many worms where the drug was invented and made. It’s like, some adults wear diapers, but when someone says diapers the user you picture is a baby. You say Ivermectin, and anyone that knows anything about it thinks horses. It’s used by vets more than doctors. It’s available, I believe, over the counter, at farm supply stores. Humans require a prescription, in the US, anyway.

    Sometimes public ridicule is an appropriate remedy when social conduct is harmful yet not illegal.

    In context, Mary Mallon was medically quarantined against her will, for life, because she refused to stop knowingly spreading disease. She broke the social contract. The social contract requires basic personal hygiene. The horse paste people anti-mask types are breaking the contract; they waste medication, they take up medical resources, and they knowingly spread disease. The same people take huge dumps and then don’t wash their hands.

    And now, some Shakespeare:

    “All the contagion of the south light on you, You shames of Rome! you herd of–boils and plagues. Plaster you o’er, that you may be abhorr’d. [Now go], further than [can be] seen, and one infect another, [and then go] against the wind [another] mile!”