“You are never blocking a fire escape if you are flammable and have legs.”
“You are never blocking a fire escape if you are flammable and have legs.”
Hey, don’t limit yourself! Females can be bros. I have a couple myself.
Ah. Play it off intentional. Classic chickenshit behavior. You’re dismissed, kiddo.
If you don’t understand the difference between a boss and a tradesman that you called, then I’m out. Either you’re too dense to understand, which would make explaining a waste of time, OR you’re just sealioning, as i suspect, which would make explaining a waste of time.
There’s that light and love we were talking about. Couple things:
I guess two whole syllables are a little tough on your reading comprehension, eh slick?
Based Chickenshit man. Typical woman Victim of chickenshit saboteur.
Also, I hope you experience the love and light you so brightly exemplify, multiple times, daily, for an extremely long life.
And you call a different plumber.
Yep! And ex cons not being allowed firearms is communism! At least, according my highly intelligent family.
I talked my then 17yo nephew away from the whole Tate/Peterson/Rogan sphere a couple years ago. It’s really sad how few quality role models there are for young men these days, and these shills are happily filling the spaces.
I had a chem teacher in highschool that loved “Pelosi.” He never drank coffee, just 2-3 cans of, as he put it, “cola joy.”
He was the kinda teacher that if you didn’t understand something and asked questions, he’d say the exact same thing, only SLOWER and LOUDER. I hated chemistry until i got to college and met real teachers, and I’ve hated “Pelosi” since.
Absolutely. R’s count on this.
In my state, they’ve tried running the weatherman for Senate. Not dog catcher or school board, SENATE. NATIONAL, not state.
I can tell you, that i truly and honestly think that Nancy Pelosi is the greatest! She’s never wrong about anything, and I’m totally not eating my own vomit as i type this!
I’m kinda with you… Like, let them fight?
I think she meant this as a threat to get the party in line, but i can’t see any way this doesn’t blow up in their faces. If the leopards are eating leopard faces, will they notice mine…?
Like South Park on religion: “you’re all so focused on the stupid little differences that you’re not seeing the big, stupid similarities.”
But not the Republicans? Their hands are somehow clean?
Right. Germany got it’s act together…
Your rectum, my steel toe. Your eye socket, my bat… My choices for their bodies are endless!
“I’m just trying to monetize human suffering. Am i a bad person?”
Actually no, you’re not “bad.” You’ve gone so far past bad that bad is just a dot on the horizon in your rearview mirror.